How are push notifications technically designed?




What is push notification

Push notifications are messages that appear on your mobile device. Sports results, flash sale invitations, or downloadable coupons. App publishers can submit at any time. This is because the user does not need to use the app or use the device to receive it. Push notifications look like SMS text messages or mobile notifications, but only reach users who have your app installed. Every mobile platform (iOS, Android, Fire OS, Windows, BlackBerry) has its own service that supports Push. Why is it used?

Push notifications bring convenience and value to app users by reaching the user's lock screen. For example, a user may receive the following information:

Sports results and news

Utility reports such as traffic, weather and ski snow reports

Flight check-in, change and transfer information

For app publishers, push notifications are a way to speak directly to users. It won't get caught in spam filters or forgotten in your inbox.

As a result, push's click-through rate can be double that of email's. You can notify the user to use the app even if the app is not open. And you can push actions like:

  • Promotion of products or offers to increase sales
  • Improve customer experience
  • Turn unknown app users into known customers
  • Send transaction receipts instantly
  • Drive users to other marketing channels such as social networks


June 2009: Apple introduced the first push service, the Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).

May 2010: Google has released its own service, Google Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM).

May 2013: Google introduces "rich notifications". Rich notifications can contain both images and action buttons. Action buttons allow users to take immediate action from notifications. For example, a user can play a song, open an app, or view more information.

September 2014: Apple added interactive buttons. These buttons allow users to quickly reply to the app publisher. Shortly thereafter, Apple extended push notifications to the Apple Watch.

September 2016: Apple adds support for rich notifications in iOS 10. 

August 2017: Google introduces notification grouping with notification categories and notification dots, similar to iOS badges that alert users to active notifications in your app.

September 2018: Apple is rolling out a number of notification updates, including notification groupings, silent notifications to reduce annoyance, and provisional approvals. This helps users understand the value of notifications before opting in. Google introduces the proposed notification mute in Android P.

August 2021: Google is adding support for notification snooze along with a redesigned notification UX.

September 2021: Apple introduced Focus Mode to control how and when notifications arrive on your device. A notification type for passive, time-sensitive notifications and a new interrupt level for notification delivery. Notification summaries allow users to select apps to be included in cross-app notification summaries that can be scheduled to be delivered at specific times throughout the day. August 2022:

Google requires users to sign up for notifications on Android devices running Android 13

How do push notifications work?

Actors involved in sending push notifications include:

Operating System Push Notification Service (OSPNS). Each mobile operating system "OS" such as iOS, Android, Fire OS, and Windows has its own services.
App publisher. The app publisher activates the app with one or more of his OSPNS. The publisher then uploads the app to the App Store. client app. This is an operating system specific app that is installed on the user's device. Receive incoming call notifications.

 Add to app

The app publisher registers with his OSPNS. OS services provide application programming interfaces (APIs) to app publishers. APIs are the means by which apps communicate with services. App publishers add software development kits (SDKs) to their apps. The SDK is an OSPNS-specific code library. The app publisher uploads the app to the App Store.

User activation

The user goes to her OS app store, downloads the app, and then installs it. User opens the app. A unique identifier (ID) for both the app and the device is registered with her OSPNS. The ID is returned to the app by OSPNS. It is also sent to the app publisher. The app publisher receives and stores this registration data, including the ID. send App publishers manually compose messages using the compose message user interface. Alternatively, the publisher sets up an automated message sent via the API.

Publishers define target groups to which push notifications are sent. The publisher decides whether to send the message immediately or schedule it. Push notifications can be targeted to user-based segments or personalized for specific app users. However, it requires the management of user identification data and the installation of some interface for writing, targeting and sending messages.  


iOS requires the app to obtain the user's permission before sending push notifications. Until now, Android and Fire OS didn't require user permission, but this will change starting with Android 13. Persuading users to join has always been critical to the success of your app on iOS, and will soon be so on Android. 

Most iOS apps display standard iOS alerts when the app is first opened. A better approach is to demonstrate the value of signing in. For example, display a customized welcome series when first opened and give users the option to sign in later. 

Average opt-in rates on iOS vary from his 58% for charity apps to his 33% for games. Top-performing apps across all industries (90th percentile) have opt-in rates above 50%. We lead the industry with over 70% opt-in rates for travel, business and charity apps.

How are push notifications displayed to users?

Notifications typically appear as banners or pop-up notifications when the user is on the phone. A warning is displayed regardless of user interaction. On most mobile operating systems, push notifications are also he grouped together in one view. On iOS, Apple has Notification Center. 

Notification Center is organized chronologically and users can swipe down from the top of the screen to access Notification Center. Android devices show unread messages on the lock screen. iOS allows users to customize push notifications at the individual app level. Users can turn sounds on and off and choose notification styles. 

Users can also control the red "badge" that indicates the number of unread notifications on the app's home screen icon. Android uses a standard banner approach that users can't change at the OS level, but they can customize the notification sound and whether a notification dot appears on the app icon that alerts the user to new notifications. . Use location information in push notifications

All mobile operating systems ask users for permission to share their location. iOS will display an opt-in warning to the user. Android offers a location opt-in as part of setting app permissions during installation. A combination of location and behavioral data allows publishers to deliver more relevant messages. For example:

HTTP Long Polling: 
Client initiates a requestThe server checks to see if there are any new notifications.  Appropriate responses are sent and the connection is closed regardless of whether there are new notifications. 
The X client then initiates another request (+ very easy to implement - the notification is not real-time, the data retrieval is initiated by the client, so the notification depends on X. As X reduces server overhead, ) increases.

HTTP Streaming: 
This is very similar to HTTP Long Polling, but the connection is never closed. The server sends split responses. So the server can write to the socket as soon as it receives a new notification that it wants to push. ( + lower latency than long queries and near real-time behavior / reduced overhead of closing and reopening connections - ever-growing client-side memory usage / ugly hacks, etc. )

A TCP-based protocol that provides true two-way communication. The server can send data to the client at any time. (+ve: true real-time - not supported by some older browsers).




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